How to Promote (Products, Price Points & Upsell)

How to Promote

A look at the products, their price points, and the potential upsell

On this page we’re going to have a look at the products that are available for promotion, along with how you can promote them and the different price points you have available.

For for the Essential Riding Skills eBook you have just one price point available, but for the Track Rider Training online course you have two available.

Essential Riding Skills (and Bonuses)


Format: Electronically delivered eBook

Price: 27 USD

Brief Description: This digital ebook guide was put together for those less experienced (or completely new) track day riders who are looking to begin building solid track riding foundations.

This package contains all the information a newcomer could possibly need to have a perfect start to a life on the track.

It is very popular among riders who are just starting out, but I’ve also had a lot of feedback from experienced riders who claim that they’ve still picked up a good deal too.

Click here to see the sales page for this product.

Track Rider Training


Format: Online/Website based training course

Price/Payment Options: $127 USD Single Payment / 4 x $33 USD Payments

Brief Description: I created this online training course for those wanting to build themselves into a complete, confident and capable track rider.

The riders that want the full package to take them from newcomer, to knee scratching fast guy. It was devised to show riders every single detail of what they should be doing on the track, but also to show them how to implement it so they can start seeing results outside of on-track coaching – which I have to say is completely possible!

This course is very popular among riders looking to make it to the top of the track day ranks. I have received unbelievable feedback (which you can see on the below page) and the refund rates are exceptionally low.

Click here to see the sales page for this product.

The Essential Riding Skills to Track Rider Training Upsell

The Essential Riding Skills eBook was designed to be a comprehensive, yet concise look at track riding fundamentals.

For those that want to learn everything there is to know, they turn to the Track Rider Training online course.

Knowing that many of my eBook customers would be interested in the online course, an automatic ‘Upsell’ is offered to new eBook customers immediately after they purchase.

What this means is that after a customer completes the payment form for the eBook purchase and clicks to confirm, they are then taken to this page where they are offered a chance to get an immediate discount on Track Rider Training (4 x $33 payment option only).

This is what’s known as a “One Click Upsell”, where if they accept the Track Rider Training purchase it is automatically added to their order without having to complete another payment form.

If you send someone to the eBook sales page and they go on to buy the eBook as well as accept the Track Rider Training upsell, you are credited with a 50% commission of total sale and all recurring billings.

Once again I hope the above makes sense. If you need any question answered about the above or anything else, please get in touch.